Academic Books & Volumes:
Muschert, Glenn W., Kristen M. Budd, Michelle Christian, and Robert Perrucci. (eds.).
Forthcoming 2020. Agenda for Social Justice: Solutions 2020. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Schildkraut, Jaclyn and Glenn W. Muschert. 2019. Columbine, 20 Years and Beyond:
Lessons from Tragedy. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger. ISBN: 978-1-4408-6252-6.
Ragnedda, Massimo and Glenn W. Muschert (eds.). 2018. Theorizing Digital Divides. New
York: Routledge Publishing. ISBN: 978-1138210400.
Muschert, Glenn W., Kristen Budd, Michelle Christian, Brian V. Klocke, Jon Shefner, and
Robert Perrucci (eds.). 2018. Global Agenda for Social Justice. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. ISBN:
Muschert, Glenn W., Brian V. Klocke, Robert Perrucci, and Jon Shefner (eds.). 2016. Agenda for Social Justice: Solutions 2016. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. ISBN: 9781447332886.
Muschert, Glenn W., Stuart Henry, Nicole L. Bracy & Anthony A. Peguero (eds.). 2014.
Responding to School Violence: Confronting the Columbine Effect. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner
Publishers. ISBN: 978-1588269072.
Ragnedda, Massimo and Glenn W. Muschert (eds.). 2013. The Digital Divide: The Internet and
Social Inequality in International Perspective. New York: Routledge Publishing. ISBN:
Muschert, Glenn W. and Johanna Sumiala (eds.). 2012. School Shootings: Mediatized Violence
in a Global Age. Series on Studies in Media and Communications, Volume 7. Bingley, UK:
Emerald Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1108/S2050-2060(2012)7
Glenn W. Muschert. 2012. Deviance and Crime: Student Handbook to Sociology, Vol.
VI. New York: Facts on File. ISBN: 9780816083213.
Special Issues of Academic Journals:
Addington, Lynn A. and Glenn Muschert (eds.). 2019. Special Issue on “The Legacy of
Columbine: Implications for Policy after 20 Years.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice
35(3). https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/ccja/35/3
Ferdig, Richard, Kristine Pytash and Glenn W. Muschert (eds.). 2017. Special Issue on “Real
Virtual Relationships.” Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 10(2).
Ragnedda, Massimo and Glenn W. Muschert (eds.). 2015. Special Section on “Weber and
Digital Divide Studies.” International Journal of Communication 9: 2757-2837.
Muschert, Glenn W. and J. William Spencer (eds.). 2009. Special Issue on “The Lessons of
Columbine, Part I.” American Behavioral Scientist 52(9).
Muschert, Glenn W. and J. William Spencer (eds.). 2009. Special Issue on “The Lessons of
Columbine, Part II.” American Behavioral Scientist 52(10).
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals:
Babula, Michael and Glenn W. Muschert. Forthcoming 2020. “Postmaterialist Waste: A Study of Turkish Importation of Rubbish.” Article in Special Issue on Turkish Perspectives on Social Problems in Open Journal for Sociological Studies.
Babula, Michael, Max Tookey, Glenn W. Muschert, and Mark Neal. 2020. “Altruism as a
Pathway to Unethical Action.” International Journal of Ethics and Systems: Electronic ahead of
print: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOES-09-2019-0156.
Reppas, Dimitrios and Glenn W. Muschert. 2019. “The Potential for Community and
Complementary Currencies (CCs) to Enhance Human Aspects of Economic Exchange.”
Digithum, 24: 1-11. http://doi.org/10.7238/d.v0i24.3180.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2019. “Afterword: The Columbine Effect on Culture, Policy, and Me.”
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 35(3): 357-372.
Budd, Kristen M.; Van Gundy, Alana; Ward, Rose Marie; and Muschert, Glenn W. 2019.
"Sexual Assault Campus Climate Surveys: Insights from the First Wave," Dignity: A
Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence: 4(1): Article 10.
Artello, Kristine, Hennessey Hayes, Glenn W. Muschert, and J. William Spencer. 2015. “What Do We Do with those Kids? A Critical Review of Current Responses to Juvenile Delinquency and an Alternative.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 24: 1-8.
Song, Kirsten Younghee and Glenn W. Muschert. 2014. “Opening the Contemplative Mind in the Sociology Classroom.” Humanity & Society 38(3): 314-348.
Schildkraut, Jaclyn and Glenn W. Muschert. 2014. “Media Salience and the Framing of Mass Murder in Schools: A Comparison of the Columbine and Sandy Hook Massacres.” Homicide Studies 18(1): 23-43. https://doi.org/10.1177/1088767913511458
Schultz, James M., Alyssa M. Cohen, Glenn W. Muschert, and Roberto Flores de Apodaca.
2013. “Fatal School Shootings and the Epidemiologic Context of Firearms Mortality in the
United States.” Disaster Health 1(2): 1-18. https://doi.org/10.4161/dish.26897
Song, Kirsten Younghee and Glenn W. Muschert. 2013. “The Generational Effects on Collective Memories in the Context of International Migration: Koreans’ Collective Memories in South Korea and the U.S.” Sociological Spectrum 33(1): 16-35.
Schildkraut, Jaclyn and Glenn W. Muschert. 2013. “Violent Media, Guns, and Mental Illness:
The Three Ring Circus of Causal Factors for School Massacres, as Related in Media Discourse.” Fast Capitalism 10(1). https://doi.org/10.32855/fcapital.201301.015
Article reprinted as:
Schildkraut, Jaclyn and Glenn W. Muschert. 2014. “The Usual Suspects: Violent Media, Guns, and Mental Illness.” Pp. 59-78 in Gun Violence and Public Life, Ben Agger and Timothy W. Luke (eds.). Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishing. ISBN: 1612056636.
Petonito, Gina, Glenn W. Muschert, Dawn Carr, Jennifer Kinney, Emily Robbins, and J. Scott
Brown. 2013. “Programs to Locate Missing and Critically Wandering Elders: A Critical Review and a Call for Multiphasic Evaluation” The Gerontologist 53(1): 17-25.
Brimeyer, Ted, Glenn W. Muschert, and Stephen Lippmann. 2012. “Longitudinal Modeling of
Frame Changing and Media Salience: Coverage of Worker Displacement, 1980-
2007.” International Journal of Communication 6: 2094–2116.
Harrington, C. Lee, Heather Reece, and Glenn W. Muschert. 2011. “Setting, Speaking,
and Framing in the News Discourse of Elected Executions.” Fast Capitalism 8(2).
Ragnedda, Massimo and Glenn W. Muschert. 2010. “The Political Use of the Fear and
News Reporting in Italy: The Case of Berlusconi’s Media Control.” Journal of
Communications Research 2(1): 43-54.
Klocke, Brian V. and Glenn W. Muschert. 2010. “A Hybrid Model of Moral Panics:
Synthesizing the Theory and Practice of Moral Panic Research.” Sociology Compass
4(5): 295-309. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-9020.2010.00281.x
Carr, Dawn C., Glenn W. Muschert, Jennifer Kinney, Emily Robbins, Gina Petonito, Lydia
Manning, and J. Scott Brown. 2010. “Silver Alerts and the Problem of Missing Adults with
Dementia.” The Gerontologist 50(2): 149-157. https://doi.org/10.1093/geront/gnp102
Muschert, Glenn W. and Anthony A. Peguero. 2010. “The Columbine Effect and School Anti-
Violence Policy.” Research in Social Problems and Public Policy: New Approaches to Social
Problems Treatment 17: 117-148, Stacy Burns and Mark Peyrot, (eds.). ISBN:9781849507363
Article reprinted as:
Muschert, Glenn W. and Anthony A. Peguero. 2015. “The Columbine Effect and School Anti-Violence Policy.” In Stuart Henry and Ross Matsueda (eds.), Pp. 221-252 in Social Constructionist Theories of Crime. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing. ISBN-13: 978- 1409419617
Muschert, Glenn W., C. Lee Harrington, and Heather Reece. 2009. “Elected Executions in the U.S. News Print Media.” Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society 22(3): 345-365. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786010903167161
Spencer, J. William and Glenn W. Muschert. 2009. “The Contested Meaning of the
Crosses at Columbine.” American Behavioral Scientist 52(10): 1371-1389.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2009. “Frame-Changing in the Media Coverage of a School Shooting: The Rise of Columbine as a National Concern.” Social Science Journal 46(1): 164-170.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2008. “Exploring Narrative Hypothesis Testing: The Case of Suicides in
Three Novels.” Quarterly Journal of Ideology 31(1/2): 1-16.
Marx, Gary. T. and Glenn W. Muschert. 2007. “Personal Information, Borders, and the New
Surveillance Studies.” Annual Review of Law & Social Science 3: 375-95.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2007. “Research in School Shootings.” Sociology Compass 1(1): 60-80.
Article reprinted in:
Geography Compass; History Compass; Literature Compass; Religion Compass; Sociology Compass; and Social & Personality Psychology Compass, February 2008, Volume 2 Virtual Special Issue on Violence and Conflict.
Turkish-language translation:
Muschert, G. W. (2015). Okullarda Silahlı Saldırılara Yönelik Çalışmalar, International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences, 6(19): 1-23.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2007. “The Columbine Victims and the Myth of the Juvenile
Superpredator.” Youth Violence & Juvenile Justice, 5(4): 351-66.
Muschert, Glenn W. and Dawn Carr. 2006. “Media Salience and Frame Changing across
Events: Coverage of Nine School Shootings, 1997-2001.” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 83(4): 747-66. https://doi.org/10.1177/107769900608300402
Muschert, Glenn W. 2006. “Pop Music in the Social Problems Classroom: Its Use to Illustrate
Claims-making in a Juvenile Delinquency Course.” Sociological Imagination 42(1): 7-16.
Muschert, Glenn W., Melissa Young-Spillers, and Dawn Carr. 2006. “‘Smart’ Policy Decisions to Combat a Social Problem: The Case of Child Abductions 2002-2003.” Justice Policy Journal, 3(2): 1-32. http://www.cjcj.org/uploads/cjcj/documents/smart_policy.pdf
Muschert, Glenn W. 2006. “Self-Affirmation through Death: A Contribution to the Sociology of Suicide through Literature.” Sociological Inquiry, 76(3): 297-315.
Jamil, Sadia and Glenn W. Muschert. Forthcoming 2020. “Risks to Journalists’ Safety and the
Vulnerability of Media Freedom in the U.S.” In G. Muschert, K. Budd, M. Christian, and R.
Perrucci. (eds.). Agenda for Social Justice: Solutions 2020. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Reppas, Dimitrios and Glenn W. Muschert. Forthcoming 2020 “Mobile Money Systems as
Avant-Garde in the Digital Transition of Financial Relations.” Iin S.H. Park, M.A. Gonzalez-
Perez, & D. Floriani (eds.), Palgrave Handbook of Corporate Sustainability in the Digital Era.
Palgrave Macmillan.
NiÅŸancı, Murat, Glenn W. Muschert, and Aslı Cansın Doker. Forthcoming 2020. “The Digital
Transformation of Payment Systems: The Potential for Mobile Money to Achieve Turkey’s 2023
Goal as Cashless Society.” In A.A. Gül, Y.D. Ertürk, and P. Elmer (eds.), Digital
Transformation in Communication and Media Studies. Istanbul: Istanbul University Press.
Özsoy, Duygu and Glenn W. Muschert. Forthcoming 2020. “A Comparison of High-Skill and
Low-Skill Internet Users in Northeast Anatolia, Turkey.” Chapter in M. Ragnedda and A.
Gladkova (eds.). Digital Inequalities in the Global South (Palgrave).
Kreitem, Hanna, Massimo Ragnedda and Glenn W. Muschert. 2020. “Digital Inequalities in
Post-Soviet States.” Chapter in Sergey Davydov (ed.), Internet in Russia: A Study of the Runet
and Its Impact on Social Life. New York: Springer Publishing.
Schildkraut, Jaclyn and Glenn W. Muschert. 2019. “Media Salience and Mass Murder:
Examining Frame Changing Across Active Shooter Events, 2000-2012.” Pp. 129-153 in Sarah E.
Daly (ed.), Assessing and Averting the Prevalence of Mass Violence. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Ashlee, Kyle, Leland Spencer, Michael Loeffelman. Brandon Cash and Glenn W. Muschert.
2018. “Fostering Critical Awareness of Masculinity around the World.” Pp. 73-80 in Muschert,
Glenn W., Kristen Budd, Michelle Christian, Brian V. Klocke, Jon Shefner, and Robert Perrucci
(eds.). Global Agenda for Social Justice. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. ISBN: 978-1447349129.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2018. “School Shootings.” Pp. 31-38 in J. Schildkraut (ed.) Mass Shootings
in America: Understanding the Debates, Causes, and Responses. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
ISBN: 978-1440856249.
Petonito, Gina and Glenn W. Muschert. 2018. “Silver Alert: Societal Aging, Dementia and
Framing a Social Problem.” Pp. 134-150 in Critical Gerontology Comes of Age: Papers in
Honor of Carroll L. Estes, Chris Wellin (ed.). New York: Routledge.
Muschert, Glenn W. and Ryan Gunderson. 2018. “The Sociology of Simmel and Digital Divides:
Information, Value, Exchange, and Sociation in the Networked Environment.” Pp. 11-20 in M.
Ragnedda and G.W. Muschert (eds.), Theorizing Digital Divides. New York: Routledge. ISBN
Budd, Kristen M, Alana Van Gundy, Glenn W. Muschert, and Rose Marie Ward. 2016. “Campus
Sexual Assault: Addressing a Systemic Social Problem in the United States.” Pp. 3-13 in
Muschert, Glenn W., Brian V. Klocke, Robert Perrucci, and Jon Shefner (eds). Agenda for Social
Justice: Solutions 2016. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. ISBN: 9781447332886.
Ragnedda, Massimo and Glenn W. Muschert. 2016. “Theorizing Digital Divides and Digital
Inequalities.” Pp. 23-36 in Social Inequalities, Media and Communication: A Global
Perspective. Jan Servaes and Toks Oyedemi (eds.) Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. ISBN: 978-
Schildkraut, Jaclyn, H. Jaymi Elsass, and Glenn W. Muschert. 2016. “Satirizing Mass Murder:
What Many Think, Yet Few Will Say.” Pp. 233-255 in L. A. Eargle and A. M. Esmail (eds.) Gun
Violence in American Society: Crime, Justice and Public Policy. Lanham, MD: University Press
of America. ISBN: 978-0761867043.
Petonito, Gina and Glenn W. Muschert. 2015. “Silver Alert Programs and Catastrophic
Demography: A Critical Exploration of Community Sentiment Regarding a Policy Solution to
Address the Problem of Critical Wandering in an Aging Population.” Pp. 253-266 in Handbook
of Community Sentiment. Monica K. Miller, Jeremy A. Blumenthal, and Jared Chamberlain
(eds.). New York: Springer Publishing. ISBN: 978-1493918980.
Muschert, Glenn W. and Eric Madfis. 2014. “Fear of School Violence in the post-Columbine
Era.” Pp. 13-33 in Muschert, Glenn W., Stuart Henry, Nicole L. Bracy, and Anthony A. Peguero
(eds.). Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. ISBN: 978-1588269072.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2013. “Experimental and Extracurricular Notes on the Network
Environment.” Pp. 165-180 in Jacob Johanssen and Bonni Rambatan (eds.) Cyborg Subjects
Anthology: Discourses on Digital Culture. www.cyborgsubjects.org: Cyborg Subjects. ISBN:
Klocke, Brian V. and Glenn W. Muschert. 2013. “Practicing Moral Panics Research: A Hybrid
Model with Guidelines Its Application.” Pp. 415-428 in Charles Krinsky (ed.). The Ashgate
Research Companion to Moral Panics, UK: Ashgate Publishing. ISBN: 9781409408116.
Muschert, Glenn W. and Leah Janssen. 2012. “Deciphering Rampage: Assigning Blame to
Youth Offenders in News Coverage of School Shootings.” In Muschert, Glenn W. and Johanna
Sumiala (eds.). School Shootings: Mediatized Violence in a Global Age. Bingley, UK: Emerald
Group Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1108/S2050-2060(2012)7
Muschert, Glenn W. 2012. “School Shootings as Mediatized Violence.” In School Shootings:
International Research, Case Studies, and Concepts for Prevention. Nils Böckler, Thorsten
Seeger, Peter Sitzer, and Wilhelm Heitmeyer (eds.). New York: Springer Publishing.
Ragnedda, Massimo and Glenn W. Muschert. 2011. “The Regime of Propaganda in a
Neoliberal State: The Case of Berlusconi and the Italian Media.” Pp. 93-107 in Gerald
Sussman (ed.), The Propaganda Society: Promotional Culture and Politics in Global
Context. New York: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-1433109966.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2010. “School Shootings.” Pp. 73-89 in Martine Herzog-Evans (ed.)
Transnational Criminology Manual, Volume 2. Nijmegen, Netherlands: Wolf Legal
Publishing. ISBN: 9789058505491.
Muschert, Glenn W. and Massimo Ragnedda. 2010. “Media and Violence Control: The Framing
of School Shootings.” Pp. 345-361 in The Control of Violence in Modern Society:
Multidisciplinary Perspectives, from School Shootings to Ethnic Violence. Wilhelm Heitmeyer,
Heinz-Gerhard Haupt, Stefan Malthaner, and Andrea Kirschner (eds.). New York: Springer
Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4419-0383-9_14
Carr, Dawn C. and Glenn W. Muschert. 2009. “Risk and Aging.” In Jason Powell and Azrini
Wahidin (eds.) Risk and Social Welfare. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-
Marx, Gary T. and Glenn W. Muschert. 2009. “Simmel on Secrecy: A Legacy and Inheritance
for the Sociology of Information.” Pp. 217-33 in Soziologie als Möglichkeit: 100 Jahre Georg
Simmels Untersuchungen über die Formen der Vergesellschaftung [The Possibility of Sociology:
100 Years of Georg Simmel’s Investigations into the Forms of Social Organization], Cécile Rol
and Christian Papilloud (eds.). Wiesbaden, Germany: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
ISBN: 978-3531156347.
Muschert, Glenn W. and Ralph W. Larkin. 2007. “The Columbine High School Shootings.” Pp.
253-266 in Crimes and Trials of the Century, Vol. 2, Steven Chermak and Frankie Y. Bailey
(eds.). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. ISBN: 978-0313341090.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2004. “Surveillance Technologies.” Pp. 55-62 in Agenda for Social
Justice: Solutions 2004, Robert Perrucci, Kathleen Ferraro, JoAnn Miller, and Paula C.
Rodríguez Rust (eds.). Knoxville, TN: Society for the Study of Social Problems.
Muschert, Glenn W. and Vijay Pereira. Forthcoming 2020. “One Falsehood Spoils a Thousand
Truths: Commentary on ‘Leveraging a Recessive Narrative to Transform Joe Paterno's Image:
Media Sensebreaking, Sensemaking, and Sensegiving During Scandal’ by Derron Bishop, Linda
Treviño, Denny Gioia, and Glen Kreiner.” Academy of Management Discoveries.
Muschert, Glenn W. and Kristen M. Budd. Forthcoming 2020. “Editorial Introduction” in G.
Muschert, K. Budd, M. Christian, and R. Perrucci. (eds.). Agenda for Social Justice: Solutions
2020. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
Muschert, Glenn and Dimitrios Reppas. 2019. “Three Recent Volumes on Information
and Value Communication: A Review Essay.” International Journal of Communication,
13: 3869–3875. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/12684/2760
Addington, Lynn A. and Glenn W. Muschert. 2019. “Editorial Introduction.” In Lynn A.
Addington and Glenn W. Muschert (eds.) Special Issue on “The Legacy of Columbine:
Implications for Policy after 20 Years.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 35(3).
Muschert, Glenn W. and Kristen M. Budd. 2018. “Editorial Introduction.” Pp. viii-xi in
Muschert, Glenn W., Kristen M. Budd, Michelle Christian, Brian V. Klocke, Jon Shefner, and
Robert Perrucci (eds.). Global Agenda for Social Justice. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. ISBN: 978-
Ferdig, Richard, Kristine Pytash and Glenn Muschert. 2017. “The Recursive Relationship
between Virtual and Real in Relationships.” Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 10(2): 1-4.
Schildkraut Jaclyn and Glenn W. Muschert. 2017. “School Shootings in the Media.” In
the Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture. Michelle Brown (ed.).
New York: Oxford University Press. http://bit.ly/2uRd93o.
Muschert, Glenn W. and Brian V. Klocke. 2016. “Editorial Introduction.” Pp. ix-xi in Muschert,
Glenn W., Brian V. Klocke, Robert Perrucci, and Jon Shefner (eds). Agenda for Social Justice:
Solutions 2016. Bristol, UK: Policy Press. ISBN: 9781447332886.
Ragnedda, Massimo and Glenn W. Muschert. 2015. “Max Weber and Digital Divide Studies:
Introduction to the Special Section.” International Journal of Communication 9, 2757–2762.
Shultz, James M, Siri Thoresen, Brian W. Flynn, Glenn W. Muschert, John A. Shaw, Zelde
Espinel, Frank Walter, Joshua Gaither, Yanira Garcia-Barcena, Kaitlin O’Keefe, and Alyssa M.
Cohen. 2014. “Multiple Vantage Points on the Mental Health Effects of Mass Shootings.”
Current Psychiatry Reports (Disaster Psychiatry Section) 16, 469.
Muschert, Glenn; Schildkraut, Jaclyn. 2014. “School Shootings.” Oxford Bibliographies in
Childhood Studies. Heather Montgomery (ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Shultz, James M., Glenn W. Muschert, Alison Dingwall, and Alyssa M. Cohen. 2013. “The
Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting as Tipping Point: ‘This Time Is Different.’” Disaster
Health 1(2): 65-73. https://doi.org/10.4161/dish.27113
Muschert, Glenn W. 2013. “Street Corner Society (Whyte).” Pp. 394-5 in Encyclopedia
of Street Crime in America, Jeffrey Ian Ross (ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN:
Muschert, Glenn W. and J. William Spencer. 2009. Introduction to Lessons of
Columbine, Part I. American Behavioral Scientist 52(9): 1223-6.
Muschert, Glenn W. and J. William Spencer 2009. Introduction to Lessons of Columbine,
Part II. American Behavioral Scientist 52(10): 1351-3.
Dawn C. Carr, Melissa Young-Spillers, and Glenn W. Muschert. 2009. “Kidnapping.” In
Handbook of Victimology, Janet Wilson (ed.) Westport, CT: Praeger. ISBN: 978-
Melissa Young-Spillers, Dawn C. Carr, and Glenn W. Muschert. 2009. “Family
Abductions.” In Handbook of Victimology, Janet Wilson (ed.) Westport, CT: Praeger.
ISBN: 978-0313359354.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2008. “Is Style Structure or Agency? A Social Structural Essay on
Hebdige’s Subculture.” Quarterly Journal of Ideology 31(1/2): 1-6.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2008. “Surveillance.” In Encyclopedia of Social Problems, Vincent
Parrillo (ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9781412941655.
Muschert, Glenn W. and Melissa Youngs-Spiller. 2008. “Child Abductions.” In Encyclopedia
of Social Problems, Vincent Parrillo (ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9781412941655.
Muschert, Glenn W. and Anthony A. Peguero. 2008. “School Violence.” In Encyclopedia of
Social Problems, Vincent Parrillo (ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. ISBN: 9781412941655.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2007. “Andy Wurst.” Pp. 317-9 in Encyclopedia of Juvenile Violence,
Laura Findlay (ed.). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. ISBN: 978-0313336829.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2007. “Teaching & Learning Guide for Research in School
Shootings.” Sociology Compass 1(2): 840-6. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1751-
Muschert, Glenn W. 2005. “Rejoining Rampage.” Contemporary Sociology 34(6): 617-619.
Muschert, Glenn W. 2002. “Teaching Stratification Using Monopoly.” Pp. 228-233 in Teaching
Sociology from a Marxist Perspective, Updated Edition, Martha E. Gimenez and Brian Klocke,
(eds.). Washington, D.C.: American Sociological Association.
Gimenez, Martha E., Glenn W. Muschert, and Alice Fothergill. 1997. “Considerations on
Wealth, Class, and Race: A Review Essay.” Critical Sociology, 23(2): 105-116.